Friday, July 18, 2008

Beading from the last week or so...

I finally decided try the new size 15 Delicas. I heard about them back in April 2007 from Miyuki at the Bead Expo in Oakland, CA. I have been a little excited about the new size 15 delicas coming out as I like the tiny beads, so if I'm going to like a delica, it would be the tiny ones.
I bought them from and the service is EXCELLENT!
I designed a new pattern in Beadscape just for the new delicas. I used Miyuki extra fine beading needles and Sonoko Japnese beading thread which is very fine. I started the butterfly and as I neared the first end of it, I had a broken bead - number 202 - pearl white. Odd but I tried to fix that broken bead only to break another bead - number 44 - sliver lined light blue. So I gave up and started beading the same pattern in seed beads and I'm sorry to say, I like the look of the seed beads better. Now I'm used to matte beads being more on the brittle side but neither of these were matte. I did contact Miyuki about the breakage and they recommended a size 12 John James needle with nymo size B. So I will try them again, this time with peyote and make a bracelet. I will work on that next week I think. The earring seems to be about the same height in seed beads as the delicas but it is a little wider. I like the look of the seed beads better but could have to do with more colors that are in my personal pallet being available in seed beads. There isn't yet a vibrant purple or a bright pink available in the new size 15 delicas. Maybe time will tell.

I designed a new Rivoli - a Sunshine. A friend said she wanted a sunshine and a sunshine she shall have! I used a crystal 14mm Rivoli and 11 - 3mm Swarovski bicones for the points. I will be working on a tutorial for this one soon. This time it's a pendant not earrings because I think it's a little large. Some people might like it as an earring though. I do like the rivoli's because they are quick to make. It's almost instant gratification having a completed project in less than an hour. I will work on getting a tutorial up for this one this coming week if all goes as planned.

I have a new Swarovski starfish that I need to incorperate into something... I'm thinking either a OMG huge showy necklace or a dream catcher with a under the sea theme. It's summer time, time for fun in the sun and the beach is definately on my list for my vacation in Los Angeles first 2 weeks in August.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


well this will be a rambling blog post.... because I have a bunch on my mind.

First off - if it's not your design, and you think someone else has copied a friend of yours, let the friend deal with it. The other person involved will only think you need to mind your own business and you do. No one can own RED, WHITE and BLUE. No one can OWN stars. Suspending them on fringe is not rocket science but you should NEVER suspend anything by thread from an ear wire or jump ring. It's not professional and it leaves everything open to failure. Use a ring of beads or french wire or anything else to suspend things from an earring. Red, White and Blue are patriotic and that is all there is to it. It's a celebration of our country and nothing more. Anyone can come up with stars in those colors for a cool quick earring. I didn't invent the concept nor did I have to see someone else's to make my own.

If you go to ABC pattern site and you see patterns with motifs you think other designers have done patterns in, don't assume that person is a thief and notify every designer you can to tell them you think that they found a site that had copied you. This happened to me recently and when I went to the site, I found lovely patterns but none of them were even close to the ones I was told were stolen from me. I contacted the accused designer and told her how sorry I was that she was being the focus of another witch hunt. It's petty and until you have concrete proof, you should keep it under wraps.

Completely not bead related... when a couple decides that the marriage is over and one takes the 50/50 for the blame and the other one takes no blame, lean toward the one who takes 50/50. At least they are in reality and perhaps that no blame person is more to blame than you would ever know. It takes two to tango and if one refuses to learn the steps, then the dance won't be right will it.

I can not own the stress of other people's problems. No matter who they are from. I can only handle my problems and I need to work on that one.

If you suspect a friend is near the edge, though it's easier to let them suffer in silence, the better choice is to just try to be there for them and push your friendship on them. It might be the thing that pushes them in the right direction to get out of that dark place. You should try it sometime.

Oh and another thing, the love of a good dog can make it all get better. If it's a poodle, then it's an extra bonus. I'm lucky to have a godchild poodle who is such a love and a visit with her made most of my stress vanish.

Just remember what Dr Suess says:

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."