Friday, September 25, 2009

WEEK TWO: Beading but not on project... work comes first

Well I have beaded but not on the blog project. Orders and other things have come up and I had to work on them first. I got an order for Dutch Spiral Earrings:
I made these with copper bronze iris and 24kt gold plated size 15 seed beads.

and I had to make a pair of Netted Pumpkin Earrings:
for the class display at the bead shop

But tonight I have a friend coming over and we are going to bead. Tonight I will hopefully complete this project. If not then tomorrow night for sure. Not sure which book but it will be a beaded bead project. I have a swap group and the swap is due next week and I haven't even completed my set of them yet, so next week will be beaded beads for sure!

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